Sixty5 General TradingSixty5 General TradingSixty5 General Trading


Sixty5 general Trading Multinational EST.

Sixty5 general Trading is a dynamic and innovative trading company dedicated to connecting global markets with high-quality products and seamless services. Founded in many years, our company operates as a bridge between suppliers and buyers, offering reliable sourcing, efficient distribution, and tailored solutions to meet diverse business needs. With a robust network of trusted suppliers and logistics partners, we ensure timely delivery and uncompromised quality for every transaction.

Our portfolio spans a wide range of products, including [ industrial materials, consumer goods, raw commodities, etc.], catering to industries and markets worldwide. At the heart of our operations lies a commitment to excellence, integrity, and sustainability. We work tirelessly to uphold ethical sourcing standards, reduce environmental impact, and foster long-term relationships with our partners.

Through strategic planning, innovative technology, and customer-centric practices, Sixty5 general Trading aims to simplify the complexities of global trade and help businesses thrive in an ever-changing marketplace. Whether you’re looking to expand your market reach, streamline your supply chain, or source quality products, we are here to provide you with the expertise and reliability you need to succeed.

Sixty5 general Trading contributes to the provision of all forms of support for the customers through the provision of consultancy services, studies, and recommendations for the required solutions and to keep the customers in light of the latest products.

Sixty5 general Trading Is a registered company in the Pakistan Trade dept. in order to Transfer and sell national and international products to enhance economy

To be a link

Sixty5 general Trading aims to be a link between the end user and the manufacturer.

To Provide Assistance

To continue providing all sophisticated products


To Establish Trust

Maintain the cooperation and the mutual trust with the costumers and manufacturers

To be Feasible

Provide appropriate solutions according to the specific budget


Gifts & Crafts

Home & Garden

Construction & Real Estate

Lights & Lighting 


Food & Beverage

Medical devices & Supplies

Sports & Entertainment

Packaging & Printing

Personal Care & Household Cleaning

Mother, Kids & Toys

Construction & Real Estate

Tools & Hardware

Lights & Lighting


Renewable Energy

Electrical Equipment & Supplies



Consumer Electronics


Metals & Alloys

Rubber & Plastics

Fabric & Textile Raw Material


Business Services

Tools & Hardware

Testing Instrument & Equipment

Power Transmission

Material Handling



School & Office products Supplies

Electrical Equipment & Supplies

Packaging & Printing

Renewable Energy


 Technology Services

Inspection, Testing& Certification

Purchasing agent

Design Services

Buyer's Logistic Services Market

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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