Sixty5 General TradingSixty5 General TradingSixty5 General Trading


Our Services

Delivering Excellence
in Every Service.

We excel in sourcing, importing, exporting, and distributing a diverse range of high-quality products, ensuring reliability and exceptional value for our clients.

Global Product Sourcing

we specialize in seamless global product sourcing, connecting businesses with trusted suppliers worldwide.

Import & Export Solutions

We offers comprehensive import and export solutions designed to simplify international trade.

Tailored Trading Solutions

We provides tailored trading solutions of your business. Our customized approach ensures seamless sourcing, helping you navigate global markets with confidence and efficiency."

Comprehensive Customer Support

We are committed to providing comprehensive customer support, ensuring prompt assistance, seamless communication, and tailored solutions to meet your business needs at every step of the journey."

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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